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Big donors step up to support abortion initiatives

Melinda Gates is just one of many philanthropists focusing on access

Big donors step up in fight to preserve abortion access

Big donors are coming out to support ballot initiatives to protect abortion access in many states. Photo by Jasmine on Unsplash

What you probably already know: For years, the anti-abortion groups and the politicians who support them have been well-funded by wealthy donors who support their cause. Now, many wealthy women — and several prominent men — are stepping up to fund the fight to preserve abortion access in the post-Dobbs era. A story Friday in the Wall Street Journal outlines some of the top donors.

Who? Melinda French Gates made waves earlier this year when she stepped down from the Gates Foundation, but she was clear that one of her reasons for doing so was to shift her focus to reproductive rights in her home country. She’s done just that and has stated Pivotal Philanthropies Foundation will give $200 million in the next two years for the cause. Google CEO Eric Schmidt has given $10 million, Connie Ballmer has donated $2 million to an initiative in Michigan, and model and activist Karlie Kloss has directed $3 million to support Midwest clinics. Sheryl Sandberg has been a longtime donor to similar causes.

What it means: Interstate travel is soaring as people travel hundreds or even thousands of miles to get access to abortion care. For some people, access can be a matter of life or death, and is forcing them to get on planes to obtain the emergency care they need. The demise of Roe vs. Wade has galvanized people, including many women, and prompted this new influx of cash and passionate leadership.

What happens now? Five states have constitutional amendments on the ballot this year that would protect access to abortion, including Florida, Colorado and Nevada, and five more have submitted signatures or are fighting to get it on the ballot. That’s bringing out the deep pockets. Planned Parenthood has stated it will spend $40 million on Democrats who support abortion rights in this election cycle and last year, when Ohio voters took on the issue, groups fighting for or against the amendment spent $106 million. The Ohio amendment ultimately passed, making it the seventh state to protect abortion access.

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