Welcome to Formidable

Inside the launch of a news site for women executives

When I set out to launch a media publication for high-level women executives, I knew it had to have a name that would resonate. I was thinking about the incredible and passionate women in my life, those who have inspired me, challenged me, supported me. I kept coming back to one word: Formidable.

Formidable Founder and CEO Emily Parkhurst

Merriam-Webster offers three definitions of the word, all of which epitomize the experience of so many powerful women:

Causing fear, dread or apprehension.

Yes, women in power often do that, especially when they challenge the status quo. I’m not sure I know any women who haven’t been attacked for the fear and dread they’ve caused by standing up for what they believe is right. Strong women are often punished for this. People in power lash out, they try to hold us back. Sometimes they even direct violence our way, just to squash that power, silence our voices. Sometimes they are successful in silencing one. They’ll never be successful in silencing us all.

Having qualities that discourage approach or attack.

When we survive the barbs – literal and figurative — we emerge stronger. That strength radiates. It can protect us against future attack. It can also, if we’re not careful, make us hard. Fending off attack is exhausting. Walls and distance can be easier. Please don’t blame us for these walls. They can keep us safe, even if they often keep us isolated. To be vulnerable is to know your privilege. Not all of us can afford to be vulnerable, no matter how much strength that vulnerability can provide.

Tending to inspire awe or wonder.

Take the compliment. You’ve earned it. To be truly formidable is to inspire others, and that is its own kind of gift.

We don’t need to lean in. We need to lean on the systems that hold us back and break them down so the women who come behind us won’t need these fortresses we’ve so carefully built.

As I head out on this new adventure, I’m thinking of all the formidable women out there and feeling your strength, your vulnerability, and your power. I hope you’ll join me on this journey.