The newest generation to enter the workforce wants more than a good salary — they want good managers
The Taliban has implemented some of the strictest rules in the world for women
She calls for mandatory drug treatment, strong enforcement
Gen Z is the most likely to take to social media to express frustration
Childcare costs have skyrocketed, and a lack of flexibility disproportionately impacts women
Women with seniority make 78 cents for every dollar a man makes
Few 'news influencers' have any journalism background, adding to concerns about misinformation
Femicide has increased globally in the last year, prompting the call for more action
As more young people move into leadership roles, Eva Ho expects the landscape to shift
Leading through turbulent times requires authenticity and professionalism
The crisis communications leader shares her work to help negotiate the release of Evan Gershkovich
The payout brings the total amount paid to victims of sexual violence to $1.5 billion and that's just in LA